Have you noticed? The dawning of a New Year practically screams for pontifications. So, why do we feel the need to make predictions about the coming year? There are several reasons. One, we think our friends, relatives and/or colleagues want to know our opinions. This is, of course, questionable.
Another possible reason we predict is we believe we can force our diabolical plans on the unsuspecting masses simply by printing them on a widely read and highly popular blog such as this. Can we all agree that this is ridiculous?
The most likely reason we choose to make sweeping, ill-informed and, dare we say, silly predictions is because someone asked us to come up with something for his blog post. Of course, there is decidedly a ring of truth in this. In fact, it should be noted that each member of the Prejean Creative team was dragged, kicking and screaming, to the crystal ball table.
Since I pleaded with my colleagues to do this, it’s only fair that I offer my own predictions for the coming year. Please don’t hold me to this. What do I know? I just write content. I don’t have to know anything!
For 2014, I think – NO, I believe – there will be much raging against the giant marketing machine. Big Data, NSA spying, the hacking of Google, Snapchat, Target and who knows who or what else have made normal people, who just want to use their credit card to buy grandma a new shawl, very suspicious of social networks, cookies (not grandma’s – those on the Internet), and behavioral-based marketing of all kinds.
I also predict that a cabal of teenaged computer nerds, working out of a secret location in Nebraska will prove that only 13 people actually read Twitter feeds. The rest of the posts, which are generated by robots, simply travel to the Twitter-sphere, never to be read by another human. Twitter’s stock will tumble.
Mild-mannered but prolific prognosticator Brent Pelloquin weighs in on three critical areas: advertising, sports and the weather.
For 2014, I’m predicting an increase in the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as a supplement to traditional media and print collateral. As we continue to use mobile devices more and more for daily interaction, I believe advertisers will put AR to greater use to create more engaging content. This increased use of AR content, coupled with the development of more user-friendly mobile content, will result in improved ad interaction and retention of information at the point of contact.
In the world of sports, the Cajuns, Tigers and Saints will continue spoiling south Louisiana with their football dominance and the Cowboys of Dallas will experience yet another December meltdown. I’m also going out on a limb and predicting a summer with highs in the low- to mid-90s. Ugh.
Lisa Prejean thinks (hopes) we’re going to be a lot more careful in 2014 with our media consumption.
Ongoing privacy concerns will cause people to be more cautious in their digital habits. Digital marketers will need to make it worthwhile for consumers to share information. Individuals may experience social network fatigue, peeling back on the number of social networks they actively participate in, making it important for marketers to focus efforts on the key channels (digital and non-digital) that will reach their audiences. Mixing in some “old-school” or traditional communication methods can seem new and refreshing.
Gary LoBue gazes deeply into his somewhat cloudy crystal ball and finds much to ponder.
In social network marketing, Snapchat will flounder. Millions flock to use it only to find out how ridiculously time consuming (or addictive) it will be to stay abreast of their snaps. They will then leave in droves to re-embrace Twitter. Shortly thereafter, an entirely new group of snappers will discover a completely new use for the service. Snapchat will then grow exponentially. Facebook, meh.
Technology will also change in 2014. Streaming touch-points (think Netflix) will find a way to fixate more eyeballs on more product messages in short, staccato bursts.
With regard to media, in spite of what some may believe, traditional print, especially high-end specialty printing, will undergo a significant growth spurt. Young adults (I’m looking at you, millennials), will become fascinated with printed collateral items that marketers richly craft specifically for them on a one-to-one basis.
As far as how creative will change…creative will remain creative.
As to what will drive advertising in the coming year, there’s one factor – the lure of the dollar. In 2014, nothing else will matter.
Buzzwords? You want some buzzwords for 2014? Here’s your top 10 in no particular order: Fetching. Insulator. Flogger. Wayfarer. Circassian. Trickle-up. Debunker. Placated. Standard-bearer. Stoner.
Kevin Prejean, while not known for his dystopian penchant, sees great upheaval in advertising, marketing and popular culture in 2014.
Social media powers will unite to form one mega-platform called TwittFacePinterLinked.
The Weather Channel will create spring weather events, starting with “Pollen Allergy Storm Allegra.”
Fox News and MSNBC will each report a news event in a professional and ethical manner.
Microsoft will create a Windows Operating System that almost works. Almost.
In the season finale of Duck Dynasty, Phil Robertson will come out of the closet and announce his engagement to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
The release of the 13th Friday the 13th movie hits theaters – Jason vs. Smaug.
And that, good friends, clients and media partners, is what to expect in 2014. Based on these perspicacious insights, you might want to examine and modify your investment portfolio, hug your children or go off the deep end. For us, we’ve done all we can do. It’s now up to you to go out there and make it a year to remember!
What do you think will happen in 2014? Tell us (below) and we’ll share with everybody else.
I believe the Saints will beat Seattle, beat N. Carolina and WIN, not go to, but WIN the Superbowl!!!
Gesux Saints!